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Connecting To The [TTP] ArmA 3 Wasteland Server.

Start up ArmA 3, head the multiplayer server browser and click "remote".
Paste this connection info in:
IP -
PORT - 2300


It should quickly refresh and show a green dot next to the server name. Double click the server name to join.

If there isn't a a green dot and you've got a red X, join anyway and make a note of the error message and post it here.


If you've got ArmA 3 Epoch or Breaking Point installed, you might have to disable them. I found the easiest way to do this is to simply rename the folders from "@Epoch" to "Epoch" and "@BreakingPoint" to "BreakingPoint".

Easy enough to restore. Just re-add the @.


As always, report any bugs and problems you find to us and we'll see what we can do.
Expect the occasional restart and we alter configs and smooth things out.


I'll add more info here as/when needed.

S5 Box



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