yeah iv been playing a bit of this, deadly? FUUUUUUUUCK !!!!
Zombies are the fucking least of ya worries man!! between gfx glitches, low frames, endless bugs and weird random shit at any given moment, warping glitchy zombies and ruthless bandits your chances of survival are NILL, especially if your lone wolfing! Nobody can be trusted!! Everyone is a friendly untill they get a weapon of any kind, then they are a cold blooded killer.
Everything kills you in the game, Zombies kill you, players kill you, running down hill's will kill you, proning in tree's or next to any object such as a wall, fence or PLAYER will get your fucking legs broken on a good day, walking over rocks is a death sentance! climbing a ladder will end your life sooner or later! many, many ways to die. and you will die from all of them.
Then there's the inventory,
holy tits!!
you will lose your shit man, you will lose your guns, you will lose everything you have, you will lose the fucking pack of your back if your not uber carefull coz shit has a nasty habit of disappearing. Picking shit up can only be discribed as a right fucking kerfuffle, it's a nightmarish dance of death as you forever jostle for the right angle to get the option to actually pick something up....... ahhh u know what, i could go on forever about all the horrible piles of clunge in this game (load times are a fucking good one too) Loading................ Recieving................Set up completed waiting for character to create.....................Loading....................... You got time to make a cuppa, have a shit, skin up, put the rubbish out, do a 5000 piece jigsaw, setup 2 boxes of scalextric and do a le mans!! then it might have loaded the cunt!
Somehow tho none of that shit has put me off, cant stop playing it as it happens
Just wish to god it was'nt on that shitty third-generation Real Virtuality game engine.
I certainly would'nt recommend anyone buy this coz it will frustrate the fuckleberrys off ya!
But if you already have arma 2 and arma 2 OA, might aswell check it out!