Yeah our anti-hack is banning players for purchasing vehicles without actually being near a trader.
Here's what the log reads:
2014-07-26 00:44:26 infiSTAR HackLog | piepy (76561198119266987) | Purchase without Trader (C): PlayerPos 065078 [6570.93,7509.89,0.432526] - VehiclePos 062075 [6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588] - [<NULL-object>,[142,[6292.99,7806.43,0.000152588]],"CVPI_Trooper_Patrol",false,"ItemKeyRedXXXX",B 1-2-E:1 (piepy)] (BANNED) |Instance: 11 - 19072014IAHAT332E - ArmA2OA163125548
At first glance, it's pretty simple. But I checked those map coordinates and he WAS at a trader. So I unbanned him.
I'll email the logs to the anti-hack creator and see what he says.