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TOPIC: Magazines, Reloading, and Bullets!

Magazines, Reloading, and Bullets! 11 years 11 months ago #621

This feature has been decided to be added to the War Z. Thanks for all of those that did the poll!

Quote Originally Posted by JonnyTruant
This feature has been discussed and approved!

Thanks for the poll though, i'll let you know once we're ready to go live with it.

We all know that the current reloading scheme to The War Z is a little bit aggravating. I have thought of a solution:

Guns come with 1 magazine, This magazine when emptied drops to the floor as an EMPTY magazine, instead of disappearing. Say you pick up an Double Barrel Shotgun, which take 12 gauge rounds... You also have a AA-12 which also takes 12 gauge rounds. You want to use the AA-12 but are out of ammo with it. You can't find ammo for the AA-12, but come across 12 gauge rounds all over the place.

So you have to ask yourself why can't I take the bullets out of "X" magazine and put it into "X-adaptable" magazine that takes the same bullets but for a different gun? People do this is real life. No Problem. It also would give players more inventory clutter, which is good for pvp or etc (in my opinion)

So here are the overviews:

You find a 12 Gauge shotgun: You can now remove the full magazine from the gun.
You now have a 2x12 Gauge for the 12 Gauge Shotgun (acts like a magazine but isnt) You can now remove the bullets from the magazine
You now have an empty magazine and 2 bullets in your inventory (stacked). You can now remove the bullets and put them in a different magazine for a different gun.
This can be used for the stanag C-Mag. Say you find a lot of stanag30 magazines, and have an empty Stanag-C magazine in your inventory. You can take the bullets out, and refill your magazine. Congratulations - Spam bullets!

Original Forum Post
Last Edit: 11 years 11 months ago by Apac.
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Magazines, Reloading, and Bullets! 11 years 11 months ago #622

YAY!, about time this was added too!, no more wasting ammo boys!
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Magazines, Reloading, and Bullets! 11 years 11 months ago #623

Ye bout time!
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